INMESA - Rearview mirrors, spare parts and accessories for buses and industrial vehicles


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INMESA - Rearview mirrors, spare parts and accessories for buses and industrial vehicles


Welcome to INMESA's contact page.

If you have any questions or need more information about our products or services, we are here to help you.


You can contact us through our contact form, where we will get back to you as soon as possible.


You can also contact us directly by calling our phone number or, if you prefer, send us an email to the address provided on the website.

Reason: *
Name: *
Email: *
How did you discover our brand?
How can we help you? *

* Obligatory fields

  Accept terms.

PhoneTel: (+34) 933 455 960

OfficeTorrent de l’Estadella, 56 - 58 . 08030 Barcelona


All the data you have provided us shall be introduced into and treated in an automated data file belonging to Industrias Mecánicas San Andrés, S.L., hereafter INMESA, properly enrolled before the Spanish Agency of Protection of Data, properly enrolled before the Data Protection Spanish Agency, specially designed to meet the current relationship.

Such data are confidential and belong solely to INMESA, who is the responsible for the file and is located at Torrent de l’Estadella, 56 - 58 . 08030 Barcelona.

You are authorized to access, modify, cancel and deny the processing of the mentioned data by writing directly to the address specified above.

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